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At Transform to Bliss, we offer practices, classes & workshops to bring you to your center, to your born state of 'Bliss', Ananda.

Joanne holds space for..

Transformational Hatha Yoga

Saturday 9am

With roots in South India, Transformational yoga® is a powerful, integral & classical approach to physical health, emotional balance & mental & spiritual clarity.

With an in depth focus on the asanas, the chakras, mantras, breathing & meditation, this system offers the tools & knowledge for purification of the physical body, calming the emotions, focusing the mind & deeper connection to the spiritual self.

The balance of Asana, Pranayama, Mantra & Meditation is suitable for all & offers a removal of toxins & purification of the kosha's (5 layers of the being), activating our dormant energy (kundalini) to connect deeper to our balance & bliss consciousness.


Based on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother who inspired Sri Swami Vidyanand to create this powerful system. Joanne trained directly with this Yoga Master in the South of India, close to Auroville.
Accessible for all levels.​

A system of Yoga, with 4 steps,

1 / Releasing & Purification (Body/Mind/Emotions)

2 / Making space

3 / Awakening Dormant energy (Kundalini)

4 / A deeper connection to your centre & to Bliss


Transformational Yoga, Ritual & Relaxation 

Tuesday 7pm


This class brings in elements of Joanne's ritual & ceremony, a deeper connection to the elements, with a shorter gentle Transformational Yoga practice, followed by relaxation. All intuitive, so feeling into the energies of the moment.


The 'Transform to Bliss' is the releasing of the layers, the conditions, the labels we may have taken on as our own through our life, so we can return or 'transform' to that beautiful state of bliss we arrived into this world with ~ knowing we have all we need within.



4 Key aspects of Transformational Yoga

1. Asana

2. Pranayam

3. Mantra

4. Meditation


"I thoroughly enjoy coming to your classes & I always leave feeling fresher & calmer.
Regular Yoga practice has had a huge benefit to my life & well being"
- Jane


Saturdays 09h00 - 10h30 (Transformational hatha)

Tuesdays 19h00 - 20h30 (Transformational yoga, ritual & relaxation)


€15 per class 
Resident studio cards available, please ask.


Reserve here



It’s also possible to plan a private class for one, or a group. Please ask.

Message Joanne to reserve your space or discuss..

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Meet Joanne/ Jitendra Mayee

Meet Joanne, the guardian of Transform to Bliss.


Joanne is a Grand Master level teacher of Transformational Yoga & Meditation & trained under the direct guidance of Sri Swami Vidyanand at SriMa School in the South of India.

Joanne, the owner of Transform to Bliss, has guided classes, workshops & retreats for the last 10 years.

Having experienced the profound Transformation during her Transformational Yoga Teacher Trainings in Greece & India (2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023), experience & teachings with Yoga masters, on the foothills of Arunachala in Tirruvanamalai, in Auroville, on the banks of the river Ganga in Rishikesh, as well as respected European teachers, Joanne’s passion is to offer this healing system to others.
Joanne also has additional training in Classical Hatha Vinyasa, Transformational Meditation, Anatomy, Reiki 1&2, EFT 1&2 & Astrology, which she seamlessly blends with her Yoga teachings.

Formal qualifications 

Grand Master of Transformational Meditation 300hrs (India)

Transformational Yoga Master - 500hr (India)

Transformational Hatha Yoga Teacher 200hr (Greece)

Classical Hatha - Vinyasa Yoga & Meditation - 100hr (India)

Anatomy CPD - 27.5hr (UK)

Transformational Meditation 100hr (India)


Other Energy based training..

  • Reiki 1&2 

  • EFT (Tapping) 1 & 2

  • Light worker & Shamanic journeys, Joanne brings this to her Full Moon/Feminine Ceremonies.

  • Indian Head Massage Diploma​​​​


Joanne has deep gratitude for the lineage of Sri Aurobindo, The Mother, Mother Ganga & the teachings of the birthplace of Yoga ~ Rishikesh & having experienced life in the Ramana Ashram of Tiruvanamalai during Maha Shivratri - Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi & the Holy Mountain Arunachala.
 visits India as often as possible & in 2023 spent 2 months at the foothills of the Himalayas.​

​​Her path is dedicated to deepening the connection to the Divine, knowing we are Divinity expressing itself in human form & encouraging this awareness in others,.

"Yoga is my way to connect deeply with myself, the stillness within, with others & the beautiful world around me" Joanne


Contact Joanne to find out more or reserve your class/ private lesson

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